The high quality and freshness of every Susie's South Forty product is fully guaranteed. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any purchase, please return it for a prompt replacement or exchange.
ADDRESS ACCURACY - Be sure all addresses are correct and include zip codes and applicable apartment, suite and floor numbers. Business addresses should also include the name of the company. If the addresses are incorrect, an additional shipping charge will be billed to you if we have to reship the item or if the carrier corrects the address and charges us for the address correction. The carrier charges $15 for standard delivery corrections and $16 for Express Delivery corrections per address. If you wish to receive a refund on your order that was returned to us due to incorrect information that was not entered by the staff at Susie's South Forty, a 20% restock fee will be applied. We will charge your card for any corrections.
If you have any questions concerning your purchase or returns, checkout out available shipping information, frequently asked questions page, or contact us at 432-570-4040 or via email at